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3D Forensic Animation


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Forensic Animation Using Cad Zone Software 5719
Forensic Animation Using Cad Zone Software 6167
Forensic Animation Using Visual Statement 6831
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  • Linear Momentum  ( 1 items )
  • Forensic Mapping (General)  ( 2 items )
    Do you have a need for forensic mapping training?  We are experts in the field.  Tape, Laser or Total Station, we can meet and exceed all of your mapping needs.  Whether you need crash or crime scene mapping skills, we can deliver your specialized training.  We can instruct you on the use of two of the top forensic based diagramming software's in the world, CadZone or Visual Statement. Our specialized training and experience in the field along with factory authorized certification to instruct various equipment and software make us the logical choice for your training needs.  We are not instructors that have found our way into the forensic field; we are forensic experts that instruct.  We bring real world experience to our training.  We have instructed thousands of officers from all over the world in this forensic mapping field.  We have personally mapped, diagrammed and reconstructed thousands of crash and crime scenes.  As officers, we are still active in the crash and crime scene reconstruction arena. Let us assist you with your forensic mapping needs, from equipment, software to professional certified training, we have it all. 



  • Training Materials  ( 1 items )
    If you are a registered user, please visit the Document Portal by clicking here to gain access to specific information, training materials, setup information, trouble shooting tips, movies and more as is related to any specific course you may have taken from us.


  • CadZone Software  ( 3 items )
    Certified CadZone Software Master Instructor. Do you need CadZone software training?  Get trained by the developer of the CadZone basic and advanced forensic diagramming course. 

    Contact us for pricing and availability.  Registered users and students will have access to additional information such as movies, downloads, etc...

  • Laser Technologies Inc. Certified Training  ( 3 items )
    Do you have LTI Authorized training?  If not, contact us for pricing and availability.  Registered users and students will have access to additional information such as movies, downloads, etc...


    Laser Technolgies Inc.


  • Sokkia Total Station Certified Training  ( 7 items )

    Do you have Sokkia Certified Training?  You may want to consider our Sokkia certified forensic mapping course.  Contact us for pricing and scheduling.    If you have attended one of our courses, please email us at admin@reconstructionist.com to be added to the Sokkia section in the Documents Portal (please specify date and location of the course).  This will give you access to documents pertaining to use Sokkia Total Stations with your particular software.


  • Nikon Total Station Training  ( 3 items )
    Do you have Forensic Mapping training specifically for your Nikon Total Station?  Contact us for pricing and availability.  Registered users and students will have access to additional information such as movies, downloads, etc...
  • Topcon Total Station Training  ( 4 items )
    Do you have Forensic Mapping training specifically for your Topcon Total Station?  Contact us for pricing and availability.  Registered users and students will have access to additional information such as movies, downloads, etc...
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