Welcome to Bobby Jones Accident Reconstruction |
Welcome to Bobby Jones Accident Reconstruction's web portal
Complete Crash (Accident) Reconstruction Expert Services Accident Cause Analysis 3D Forensic Animation Reconstruction Specific, Specialized Training Forensic Animation Training Forensic Scene Mapping Experts - Cad/Animation Software Specialist
- Point Cloud Analysis
- Forensic Scene Mapping Equipment and Supplies
Please take a moment to visit my dedication to my father. We can provide you with the expertise you need. In addition, we can provide 3D views and animations that visually demonstrate the results of the reconstruction. We can also work with other experts to create animations to help visualize their opinions. Accident Reconstruction: - Qualified
- Experienced
- Accredited
- Over 30 Years FULL Time Reconstruction Experience
- Academics, Specialized and Engineering Technology
- Testimonial Experience, Local, State and Federal Courts
- Police Officer Experience
- Instructional Experience, Specialized and College Level
3D Animation- Utilizing Latest Technology, Training and Software
- Experienced
- Qualified
- Recognized
- Instructional Experience, Specialized and College Level
- Visualization Support
Training We Can Provide- Basic Accident Investigation
- Advanced Accident Investigation
- Accident Reconstruction
- Advanced Accident Reconstruction
- Pedestrian Accident Reconstruction
- Bicycle Accident Reconstruction
- Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction
- Commercial Vehicle Accident Reconstruction
- Crime Scene Preservation, Mapping
- Laser Mapping
- CADD Diagramming
- 3D Illustrating
- 3D Animation
- Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations
- Microsoft MovieMaker Presentations
- Adobe Premier Video Editing
- DVD Creation
- Digital Photography and Video
- Total Station Forensic Scene Mapping
- Laser Scanner Forensic Scene Mapping
Forensic Scene Mapping- Certified Laser Technologies Inc. (LTI) Quick Map Instructor
- Certified Sokkia/Nikon/Topcon Instructor
- Crash and Crime Scene 3D Laser Mapping
- Laser Scanners
- Point Clouds
Software Specialist - Cad Zone Certified Master Instructor, Forensic Diagramming and Forensic Animation
- Visual Statement Certified Instructor, Forensic Diagramming and Forensic Animation
- 3D Studio Max, Forensic Animation
- Maxon Cinema 4D, Forensic Animation
- Poser Body Motion, Forensic Animation
- Lightwave, Forensic Animation
- Rhinoceros 4
We have no geographic restrictions.